July 30, 2014

Baby #2 Coming Soon!

We're so happy to announce that our family of 3 will soon be a family of 4!

It took us forever to decide how we were going to tell everyone this time around, but one of my best friends, Amanda Smith, sent me an idea and it was perfect! Mom and I took the pictures on Sunday before she headed back home to Carlinville, and I got the announcement put together right away. I think it turned out pretty cute. :) Thanks Amanda!!

We are 15 weeks along today, and I'm feeling pretty well! Everyone always says that each pregnancy can be so different, and that's the truth! The first trimester nausea was worse and lasted longer this time. I've had heartburn since the very beginning when I didn't get it till the very end of my pregnancy with Hudson. I had a strange 2 week period of carpal tunnel symptoms at the beginning (thank goodness that's disappeared for now), and I actually want orange juice in the mornings! I was a huge orange juice drinker before my first pregnancy, but I couldn't drink it at all when I was pregnant with Hudson! Of course I tell Thomas that all of these differences mean we're having a girl since he REALLY wants another boy!

At my appointment last week, the baby's heart rate was between 155-160 and everything looks good so far. We should find out the gender around the beginning of September!

Here are a few of the outtakes from our photo session:

1 comment:

  1. Hudson's such a little stud! I can't wait for my new NIECE!!!!
