September 24, 2013

4 Months!

Hudson turned 4 months while we were in Jamaica! He rolls from his belly to his back and vice versa. He is constantly grabbing his feet and anything else he can reach. He started to throw little tantrums where he would arch his back and throw his head back. His 4-month shots weren't near as easy as his 2-month shots. He got a little fever and was crabby for about a week. That's when he did the back-arching trick! He wanted to sleep all day and he didn't really want to eat very much. He was back to normal in no time, thank goodness!

Getting tired of me taking pics...
Starting to "fake" cry! He's over-dramatic like his Dad...
And now he's getting really mad! Notice his face is turning red!
When we got back from vacation, we started leaving one arm out of his swaddle at night. He did just fine like that, so we left both arms out. Never had any problems and he still sleeps like a champ!
He loves to snuggle his blanket! 
We started rice cereal when he was about 4 1/2 months!
Being the loudest kid at daycare means you get to hang out with the director at the front desk
so the other babies can sleep! Who needs a nap when you sleep from 6:30pm to 6:00am anyways??
He is so spoiled!
Soooound asleep :) 
Staring contest with Grandma Shelly!
Avery is holding his hand so he doesn't grab her hair again!
He is still fascinated by Great Grandma Hazel. No matter who was holding him, he wanted to smile at her!
He loved the bright colors on her shirt too :)
Aunt Jodie was trying to clean the outside of his ears and it must have tickled!
Together these two are quite the pair!
He thinks he's big stuff. 
Hudson and Callie!! (This was taken just before they were both covered in drool and spit-up haha)
My two blue-eyed boys!
He loves his Meisenheimer Farms shirt!
Thomas couldn't wait to put this hat on him!
I call this his Bob Marley hat/wig :)

He wouldn't wake up for anything!

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